Thursday, February 26, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
Swach Bharath- Sanitation Survey- VEOs will Supervise
For the smooth implementation of Swach Bharath Mission (Grameen), Kerala Govt decided to conduct a baseline survey about the sanitation facilities at house hold, school and anganwadi level. Survey will be conducted using the service of ASHAA workers and Kudumbashree Volunteers. Village Extension Officers were designated as Panchayath level supervisors for the survey activities. General Extension Officers will be the Co Ordinators at Block Level.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Expansion Of Coconut Cultivation with MGNREGS Guidelines Issued
Union Govt issued detailed guidelines to converge Mahathma Gandhi NREGS with the Area Extension Programme of Cocunut cultivation, implemented by Coconut Development Board. The Gramapanchayath will identify suitable land and prepare list of beneficieries. Funds from MGNREGA to an individual beneficiery for a cluster will be restricted to 1 hectare only.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
13 Extension Officers Promoted as Joint Block Development Officers
CRD issued orders promoting 13 Extension officers in to the cadre of Joint Block Development Officers. Transfer and postings of 16 Joint Block Development Officers were also issued.
Click here to view order Monday, February 16, 2015
സാമൂഹ്യ സുരക്ഷാ പെന്ഷന്- വരുമാന സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് ഹാജരാക്കണം
സാമൂഹികനീതി വകുപ്പ് സാമൂഹ്യസുരക്ഷാ പെന്ഷന് അര്ഹതയ്ക്കുളള വാര്ഷിക വരുമാന പരിധി ഏകീകരിച്ചത് സംബന്ധിച്ച് വ്യക്തത വരുത്തി ഉത്തരവ് പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചു. ഇതനുസിച്ച് മറ്റു പെന്ഷന് ലഭിക്കുന്ന വ്യക്തികള്ക്കും നിശ്ചിതവരുമാന പരിധിക്കുളളിലാണെങ്കില് സാമൂഹ്യസുരക്ഷാ പെന്ഷനുകളില് ഏതെങ്കിലും ഒന്ന് ലഭിക്കാന് അര്ഹതയുണ്ടായിരിക്കും. അതില് ഏത് സുരക്ഷാ പെന്ഷന് വേണമെന്ന് ഗുണഭോക്താവിനു തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാം. വരുമാനം തെളിയിക്കാനുളള സര്ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട വില്ലേജ് അധികാരികളില് നിന്നും വാങ്ങി ഹാജരാക്കണം.ഏപ്രില് ഒന്നു മുതല് പെന്ഷന് വിതരണം ഗുണഭോക്താവിന്റെ ബാങ്ക്/ പോസ്റ്റോഫീസ്/ ട്രഷറിസേവിങ്സ് അക്കൗണ്ട് വഴി വിതരണം ചെയ്യും. ഇതിനാവശ്യമായ നടപടികള് ഇന്ഫര്മേഷന് കേരളാ മിഷനും എല്ലാ തദ്ദേശസ്വയംഭരണ സ്ഥാപന സെക്രട്ടറിമാരും കൈക്കൊളളും. ലാന്ഡ് റവന്യൂ കമ്മീഷണര്, സാമൂഹ്യനീതി ഡയറക്ടര്, പഞ്ചായത്ത്/ നഗരാകാര്യ ഡയറക്ടര്മാര്, ഇന്ഫര്മേഷന് കേരള മിഷന്, ജില്ലാ കളക്ടര്മാര്, തദ്ദേശഭരണ മേധാവികള് എന്നിവര് ഉത്തരരവുകള് നടപ്പാക്കാന് സത്വര നടപടികള് സ്വീകരിക്കണമെന്ന് ഉത്തരവില് നിര്ദ്ദേശിക്കുന്നു
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Election Commission to Launch Mission of Electoral Roll Authentication
Chief Election Commissioner Mr. H.S. Brahma has announced that ECI will be launching Mission of Electoral Roll authentication and Purification drive from March 1st, 2015.
Inaugurating a workshop on “ Linking of Aadhaar with Electoral Roll Database and Launching of Electoral Roll Authentication and Purification Drive“, at Dr. MCR HRD Institute, Hyderabad yesterday, he advised all officers to come up with suitable action plan to expedite so that the mission could be completed by August 15th, 2015. The Chief Election Commissioner appreciated the efforts put in by District Election officers in taking a step forward and carrying out the proof of concept so effectively to generate advantages and challenges clearly.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
മല്ലപ്പളളി മികച്ച ബ്ലോക്ക് പഞ്ചായത്ത്

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Jawahar Housing not Mandatory in 2015-16 Annual Plan
Decentralization Co Ordination Committee decided to drop the decision to make Jawahar Lal Nehru Housing Scheme mandatory during the plan formation of Local bodies for the year 2015-16. Though it is not mandatory LSGIs can form projects and implement as per their decisions with availability of funds. The committee also allowed Disrict, Block and Grama pamchayaths to allot the unspent amount of 2014-15 plan share to IAY beneficiaries.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Gramapanchayth- General Transfer 2015 Circular Issued
LSGD issued detailed guidelines for submitting application for general transfer in panchayath department. Applications should be submitted within 20th february 2015.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
NITIAYOG Subgroup to Rationalise Centrally Sponsored Schemes
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has announced that the NITI Aayog would constitute three sub groups: of Chief Ministers on the following themes:
• Sub-group to study the 66 Centrally Sponsored Schemes and recommend which to continue, which to transfer to states, and which to cut down.
• Sub-group to recommend how NITI Aayog can promote skill development and creation of skilled manpower within states.
• Sub-group to decide on institutional mechanisms to be evolved, and technological inputs, for ensuring that commitment to Swachh Bharat becomes a part of our life in perpetuity. In his concluding remarks at the first meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog, the Prime Minister also asked all states to create two task forces under the aegis of the NITI Aayog One task force would focus on poverty alleviation, and the other would focus on future development of agriculture in the state, and how the Centre can assist the state in this regard. The members of the sub-groups will be decided later, after Chief Ministers indicate their preferences.
• Sub-group to study the 66 Centrally Sponsored Schemes and recommend which to continue, which to transfer to states, and which to cut down.
• Sub-group to recommend how NITI Aayog can promote skill development and creation of skilled manpower within states.
• Sub-group to decide on institutional mechanisms to be evolved, and technological inputs, for ensuring that commitment to Swachh Bharat becomes a part of our life in perpetuity. In his concluding remarks at the first meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog, the Prime Minister also asked all states to create two task forces under the aegis of the NITI Aayog One task force would focus on poverty alleviation, and the other would focus on future development of agriculture in the state, and how the Centre can assist the state in this regard. The members of the sub-groups will be decided later, after Chief Ministers indicate their preferences.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
DA Enhanced Orders Issued
Finance Department issued orders enhancing the dearness allowance payable to State Govt Employees and Teachers to 80% with effect from 2014 July 1st. Enhanced rate will be paid from the salary of March drawn in April. Arrears for the period from 01/07/2014 to 28/02/2014 will be credited to GPF.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
വിവരാവകാശച്ചട്ടങ്ങളില് ഭേദഗതി
2006 ലെ കേരള വിവരാവകാശച്ചട്ടങ്ങള് (ഫീസും വിലയും ക്രമപ്പെടുത്തല്) വീണ്ടും ഭേദഗതി ചെയ്യുന്നതിന് ചട്ടങ്ങള് ഉണ്ടാക്കി സര്ക്കാര് വിജ്ഞാപനം പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചു. ഇലക്ട്രോണിക്ക് മാര്ഗ്ഗങ്ങളിലൂടെ ഫീസ് അടവാക്കാന് പൌരന് അവകാശം ലഭിക്കുന്നതിനായാണ് ഭേദഗതി .
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Revised Projects' revision allowed
LSGD allowed LSGIs to revise their plan projects already revised. The revision and approval shoud be done in February itself.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Government celebrates MGNREGA Divas
The Ministry of Rural Development has decided to focus intensely on convergence of MGNREGA with other Schemes to create durable and useful assets. It has introduced a new module to capture planning and implementation of convergence initiatives. 21 States have prepared their Convergence Plans already. Convergence has been closely linked to measuring outcomes of works and their impact on the rural economy. This was stated by Minister of Rural Development, Shri Birender Singh, while addressing the tenth MGNREGA Divas celebrations here today. He said that the objective is to use MGNREGA for livelihood based sustainable development.
The Minister of Rural Development emphasized that MGNREGA has provided employment to crores of households every year and has become an important vehicle for enhancing the livelihoods of rural poor and strengthening the rural natural resource base. Over the last year, the Ministry has streamlined the Scheme to make it more relevant to the local needs and demands of the beneficiaries with greater focus on backward areas. The ministry also purposes to undertake skilling and entrepreneurship of MGNREGA workers and their family members in convergence with NRLM, he added
On the occasion, MGNREGA documents- Report to the People and Report on Capacity Building were also released. The Ministry also showcased some of the achievements through a compilation of photos-Towards Creating Sustainable Assets under MGNREGA. Madhya Pradesh has been awarded for its outstanding work in the area of convergence of Schemes with MGNREGA and supporting livelihoods
The Minister of Rural Development emphasized that MGNREGA has provided employment to crores of households every year and has become an important vehicle for enhancing the livelihoods of rural poor and strengthening the rural natural resource base. Over the last year, the Ministry has streamlined the Scheme to make it more relevant to the local needs and demands of the beneficiaries with greater focus on backward areas. The ministry also purposes to undertake skilling and entrepreneurship of MGNREGA workers and their family members in convergence with NRLM, he added
On the occasion, MGNREGA documents- Report to the People and Report on Capacity Building were also released. The Ministry also showcased some of the achievements through a compilation of photos-Towards Creating Sustainable Assets under MGNREGA. Madhya Pradesh has been awarded for its outstanding work in the area of convergence of Schemes with MGNREGA and supporting livelihoods
ആം ആദ്മി ബീമ യോജന(ആബി) : അംഗമാകാം
കേന്ദ്ര -സംസ്ഥാന സര്ക്കാരുകള് നടപ്പാക്കുന്ന ആംആദ്മി ഭീമ യോജന (ആബി)യില് റേഷന് കാര്ഡില് 600 രൂപയോ അതില് താഴെയോ വരുമാനമുള്ള കുടുംബങ്ങള്ക്ക് രജിസ്റ്റര് ചെയ്യാം. റേഷന് കാര്ഡിന്റെ അസ്സലും പകര്പ്പുമായി അടുത്തുള്ള അക്ഷയ കേന്ദ്രത്തിലാണ് രജിസ്റ്റര് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത്. പദ്ധതി പ്രകാരം അംഗത്തിന്റെ അപകടമരണത്തിന് 75000 രൂപയും സ്വാഭാവിക മരണത്തിന് 30000 രൂപയും ഭാഗികമായ അംഗവൈകല്യത്തിന് 37500 രൂപയും കൂടാതെ അംഗത്തിന്റെ 7 മുതല് 12 വരെ പഠിക്കുന്ന രണ്ട് കുട്ടികള്ക്ക് പ്രതിവര്ഷം 1200 രൂപ സ്കോളര്ഷിപ്പ് തുടങ്ങിയ ആനുകൂല്യങ്ങള് ലഭിക്കും. അക്ഷയകേന്ദ്രങ്ങളിലും 18002002530 ടോള്ഫ്രീ നമ്പരിലും കൂടുതല് വിവരങ്ങള് അറിയാം.
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