As per the revised subsidy guidelines, House Repair assistance rendered by LSGIs will be payable only to the joint account of husband and wife. LSGD issued cirular permitting payment of assistance to the account of head of the familiy.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Social Welfare Pension- Data Entry Permitted
Finance Department permitted LSGIs to make data entry of applicants who were recieving another welfare or EPF pensions.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Sanitation- Subsidy norms revised
Decentralization Co Ordination Committe approved the revised rates of subsidy for sanitation projects. New norms will be applicable only from 1st April 2019. Beneficiery contribution limited to 10%.
LIFE Housing- Instalment amount re fixed
LIFE Mission decided to re-fix the subsidy amount in 3rd and 4th instalments. Earlier ist instalment was Rs 40000, 2nd Rs 160000, 3rd Rs160000 and 4th Rs 40000. Now it was modified as Rs 40000, Rs160000, Rs100000 and Rs100000.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Treasury Teller Counter-Payment Limit Enhanced
Finance Department enhanced the limit of amount
payable through teller counters in Treasuries from Rs. 30,000/- to Rs. 50,000/-.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Flood-Livelihood Loan Programme- Instructions Issued
Kerala govt introduced new Livelihood Loan Scheme to assist Micro,Small&Medium Entreprenures who were affected by recent flood. Scheme covers only the 1260 flood affected villages in Kerala. Loan will be issued by Scheduled Co Operative Banks and margine money should be given to Banks from Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Community Health Centre-OP Time Extended
Health&Family Welfare department decided to extend the OP time duration up to 6 PM, in certain Community Health Centres. The selection of CHCs were on the basis of availibility of Doctors.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Imposing Complete ban on Plastic-Committee Constituted
Enviornment Department statrted imposition of a
complete ban on one time use/throw away plastic items/carry bags,irrespective of thickness. It has been decided to list out the plastic products /items that need to
be brought into the ambit of complete ban and for the same an Expert
(Technical)Committee constituted under the chairmanship of Kerala State Pollution Control Board Chairman.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Administrative Sanction-Validity restricted
Govt decided to re fix the validity period of all administrative sanction to one year and it
should lapse at the end of the financial year in which it is issued. However,
exemption from this limit may be granted for Civil Works and Capital Equipment
Purchase, since the time of completion in most cases exceed one year.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Women Wall- January 1st- Directions Issued
Kerala Govt issued detailed directions for conducting Women Wall Campaign on January 1st 2019. Department Of Women and Children will Co Ordinate the campaign. ASHA workers, Anganwadi Workers & Helpers,MGNREGA Workers, Members of Local Self Govt Institutions, Kudumbashree members, Members of Co Operative Institutions should be invited to the campaign.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
LIFE Housing-Wet Land- Directions for Approval of Applications
Revenue Department issued strict directions to approve the applications filed by LIFE Housing beneficiaries for constructing houses in wet land.
2018-19 Annual Plan-Permission for Revision
LSGD gave permission to revise 2018-19 annual plan projects of LSGIs approved by DPCs. Revised plan should be submitted to DPC before 15th December 2018.
Click here to view directions
Click here to view directions
Monday, December 3, 2018
VEO Training Thalipparamba-Results Published
Training results of Village Extension Officers conducted at Centre for Organic Farming & Waste Management at Thalipparamba were published
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Adoption Of Digital Payments-Circular Issued
Govt instructed all State Government Departments and institutions accepting cash as fee or for any other
purpose should install POS machine for debit and credit cards by 31st December, 2018. Detailed guidelines were issued to Government institutions in Kerala to take steps towards accepting various
payments from citizens through digital means.
Social Welfare Pension-Adalats-Directions Issued
LSGD issued detailed gudelines for conducting adalaths for finalizing appeals against rejection of social welfare pensions by Local Bodies. Appeals should be submitted 5 days before the date fixed for adalath.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Flood-House Re Construction/Repairs- Installments Fixed
Survey data of flood affected houses captured by Rebuild Kerala App were super checked and finalized. As per the percentage of damage, rate of assistance for house construction and repairs were fixed. For reconstruction of houses the payment will be made in 3 installments and in the case of repairs assistance will be disbursed in 2 installments.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
SC Student's LapTop - Warranty Fixed
Govt decided to fix warranty period as 3 years for Lap Top distribution projects implemented by all Local Self Govt Institutions. Earlier ass per the directions given by IT director it was 5 years.
Click here to view GO
Click here to view GO
Deposit Works LSGIs-Time limit fixed
LSGD fixed time limit for deposit works implemented by local self Govt instititions through Kerala Water Authority, Kerala State Electricity Board, Ground Water Department etc. Funds should be deposited before 30th november every financial year.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Bitumen Price- Price difference allowed
To overcome the crisis faced by road works in LSGD and PWD, due to steep rise in the rate of bitumen, Govt decided to allow cost escalation and price difference of bitumen to contractors.
LSGD Nodal Department for NSAP
Local Self Government Department designated as the State Nodal
Department in respect of National Social Assistance Programme in the State of
Kerala. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS), Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS), Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme (IGNDPS), and National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) were the components of NSAP LSGD shall take urgent steps to constitute
the various committees as per NSAP guidelines and also
to set up grievance redressal system and Social Audit of the scheme.
LIFE Housing - SC Department Share Sanctioned
SC Department sanctioned Rs 1 Lakh each to 6130 SC Beneficiaries, who found eligible and executed agreement for construction of houses under LIFE Mission. Document verification of balance beneficiaries should be completed by field level functionaries immediately.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Inter Cast Marriage Assistance- Annual Income Enhanced
Govt decided to enhance the annual income limit fixed to allow marriage assistance to beneficiaries of inter cast marriage. Limit was now fixed as Rs 100000 per year. Earlier sealing was Rs 50000 per Year.
Multiple House Numbers for Fishermen-Orders Issued
LSGD permitted coastal LSGIs to issue separate house numbers for separate families living in same house. Permission is granted to overcome the difficulties faced by the fishermen families for getting ration card and other assistances from Local Bodies.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Group Personal Accident Insurance 2019- Deduction from November Salary
Guidelines issiued for the renewal of Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for State Govt Employees. Annual premium will continue as Rs 400 per year, should be deducted from the salary due for November 2018.
Click here to download GO
Click here to download GO
Individual House Hold Works Payment NREGS- Clarification Issued
Misson director clarified that material component of all individual works permissible in Mahathma Gandhi NREGS works can be paid in to workers account. Provision is active in the MIS for bills purchased from vendors having GST registration.
Click here to view directionEntry Of Movable & Immovable in Service Book-Notification Issued
Government have directed
that all the Government Servants shall, at the time of joining the Government Service, furnish the
details regarding their movable and immovable properties in the Service Book. Hence the Government have decided
to amend the Kerala Government Servants' Conduct Rules, 1960 suitably to incorporate such a
provision in the said Rules.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Well Recharge- Permission for approved agencies
LSGD permitted all LSGIs to implement well recharge work with approved agencies empanelled by District Planning Committiees.Well recharge works should be implemented in convergence with Mahathmagandhi NREGS in rural areas.
LIFE Housing- Directions Issued
LSGD issued detailed directions for the smooth implementation of LIFE Housing Programme.As per the directions beneficieries missing, those who recived assistance and not completed houses, should take revenue recovery process.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Annual Plan 2019-20- Time Schedule Fixed
Time Schedule for getting approval of LSGI's annual plan from DPC issued. As per the schedule annual plan of all LSGIs should be submitted before DPC before December 17th.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Flood Reconstruction of Houses-Directions Issued
Kerala Govt entrusted District Collectors to allot fund to eligible beneficiaries whose houses were damaged during recent floods. Beneficiaries should be selected from the digital data collected by Local Bodies through Rebuild Kerala mobile application.
Click here to view GOClick here to view Land Selection GO
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Mortgaged Land-LIFE House Construction-Directions Issued
LIFE Mission allowed relaxation for document registration of LIFE beneficieries, who availed loan from financial institutions by mortgaging the land for house construction.
Click here to view GOSunday, September 30, 2018
Flood Villages-Revised Notification Issued
Kerala Govt issued revised notification including more villages as flood affected. As per the new notification 1259 villages in Kerala were declared as flood affected.
Click here to view notification
Click here to view notification
Friday, September 28, 2018
Livestock Census from 1st October
The 20th Livestock Census will be conducted in all districts of the Indian Union in participation with all States and Union Territories. The enumeration will be done in all villages and urban wards. The major thrust of 20th Livestock Census would be data collection through tablets /computers which aims to fulfil the objective of Digital India Programme.
LIFE-Permission for Travelling Allowance
LSGD gave permission to sanction Travelling Allowance to Implementing Officers of incomplete houses included in LIFE Mission.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Building Material Production Unit-MGNREGS-Guidelines Issued
Govt issued detailed guidelines to start building material production centres, in convergence with MahathmaGandhi NREGS, in each block.
Friday, September 14, 2018
State Policy On Solid Waste Management Notified
As per the terms of Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, Kerala State notified State Poliy On Solid Waste Management.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Flood Relief-Resurgent Kerala Loan Scheme Announced
Govt announced bank loan scheme of 1 lakh rupees to female head of families of flood victims through Kudumbashree.Interest should be borne by Kerala Govt from Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund.Repayment period may be 3 to 4 years.
Marking Highest Flood Line in Govt Offices
Govt decided to fix flood marking plates for permanent marking of highest flood line in flood affected Govt Institutions, LSGIs,Schools, hospitals etc.
Ration Card Application-New Documents Included
Considering the difficulities faced by the public to submit documents fo the application of new Ration Cards, Civil Supplies Commissioner issued circular to include new documents to substitute earlier ones. Property Tax Reciept issued by LSGIs,KSEB Bills, BSNL land phone bill, LPG Voucher/Bill etc can be prodeced instead of residential certificate from Gramapanchayth/Municipality/Municipal Corporation.
Online Submission to Decentralization CC-Provision Enabled
LSGD issued directions for the e submission of projects to Decentralization Co Ordination Committee.Provision was enabled in Information Kerala Mission's website through the url
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Public Functions-Green Protocol Mandatory.
State Govt imposed green protocol in all public functions as per the request from Executive Director,Sanitation Mission.Plastic water bottles,disposable plates,flex banners and decorations etc were strictly prohibited.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Flood-Digital Survey- Entrusted Local Self Govt Institutions
Govt decided to entrust Local Self Govt Department to conduct digital survey of destroyed/partially destroyed buildings during the recent flood. A technical panel may be constituted at GP/MC level and survey should be completed with the help of a mobile application.
IHHL Repair-Swach Bharath Mission Performance Grant alloted
LSGD issued guidelines for utilizing Performance Based Incentive Grant alloted as a part of Swach Bharath Mission(Gramin) activities. 30% of the grant can be used for Individual House Hold Latrine Construction of LIFE Beneficiaries belonging to BPL Category. IHHL Repair projects also allowed by utilizing performance grant. Plan share can be allocated from the 10% earmarked for sanitation.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Central Govt Employees-DA Hike
The Union Cabinet, approved to release an additional instalment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief to pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2018 representing an increase of 2% over the existing rate of 7% of the Basic Pay/Pension, to compensate for price rise.This will benefit about 48.41 lakh Central Government employees and 62.03 lakh pensioners.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Re Construction Of Flood Affected Houses-Mobile App Survey Planned
Mobile App based survey will be conducted for identifying destructed houses during recent flood situation in Kerala. Chief Secretary issued press release stating that designated Govt employees will visit the damaged houses and conduct survey electronically.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Ayushman Bharat - PradhanMantri Jan ArogyaAbhiyan (AB-PMJAY) Launch on September 25th
29 states and UTs have signed the MoU and have started working on implementation of the PradhanMantri Jan ArogyaYojna.The pilots have started in 16 States / UTs. Other states/UTs will also start pilots before fully launching the scheme on 25thSeptember. Union Health Minister said that the Government has given total flexibility to the States to choose their own modes of implementation among Insurance, Trust or Mixed Mode and Government is ready to provide the required support also.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Flood-Revision Of Annual Plan-Permission Granted
Govt permitted LSGIs to revise annual plan for repair and re construction of damaged assets including roads. Permission is also granted to cut down productive sector allocation to 20% by Grama/Block Panchayaths and 25% in the case of District Panchayaths.
LSGI Honararium- Advance Payment Sanctioned
LSGD issued sanction for advance drawal of honorarium for members of Local Self Govt Institutions during Onam.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
PMAY(G) New Beneficiery Selection Only from LIFE Mission List
LIFE Mission issued instructions regarding new beneficiery selection for PMAY(G) Housing programme.As per the instructions only those families included in the approved LIFE Housing Scheme list should be surveyed and geo tagged.
Festival Allowance donation to CMDRF-Directions Issued
Finance Department issued directions for donating Special Festival Allowance announced to State Govt Employees to Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund.
Click here to view directionsSaturday, August 18, 2018
LIFE Housing Programme FAQ
LIFE Mission issued answers for frequently asked questions by various stakeholders regarding the eligibility of beneficiaries, Implementation of Housing programme for the beneficiaries having land.
NREGS Workers-Festivel Allowance Sanctioned
LSGD issued orders sanctioning Festival Allowance at the rate of Rs 1000 to each workers.
Flood Relif- Directions from Sanitation Mission
Sanitation Mission issued circular describing detailed directions for maintaining hygenic situation in flood relief camps. Resource persons of Sanitation Mission should attend the relief camps and give directions regarding sanitation facilities.
Click here to view GO
Click here to view GO
Friday, August 17, 2018
LSGD Integration-Draft Special Rules Revised
Principal Directorate of LSGD published revised draft special rules regarding the integration of Local Self Govt Department. Ratio of promotion of various posts were newly included in the revised rules.
Draft Subordinate Service Special RulesFlood Relief works- Permission Granted to LSGIs
For managing the flood affected situation in Kerala, Govt instructed all Local bodies to implement disaster management activites. Permissive sanction was also given to spend from Own fund and Development Fund allocated to LSGIs.
Post Flood Situation activities
Additional directions
Cleaning activity directions
Post Flood Situation activities
Additional directions
Cleaning activity directions
Saturday, June 23, 2018
Extension Officer-Promotion Orders Issued
CRD issued orders for promoting 29 Extension Officers into the cadre of Joint Block Development Officers. Transfer and posting orders of Extension Officers were also issued.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
PMAY Mason Training Guidelines Issued
CRD issued detailed guidelines for conducting rural mason training under PMAY(G) Housing Programme.District wise targets were also allocated for masons and houses tobe conducted under mason training.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
VEO Training-Exam Results Published
Results were published for the exam conducted simultaneously at KILA-Centre for Socio Economic Development,
Kottarakara & KILA-Centre for Good Governance, Mannuthy for the VEO in-service trainees from
22.01.2018 to 03.02.2018.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Joint BDO General Transfer Orders Issued
CRD issued orders for transfer of Jonit Block Development Officers in Rural Development Department. 31 officers were included in the transfer list.
Click here to view orderTuesday, June 5, 2018
Block Panchayath Secretary-Promotion Orders Issued
10 Joint Block Development Officers were promoted as Block Panchayath Secretaries. As per the orders issued by Commissioner For rural Development seniority number up to 1126 were promoted. Transfer and posting orders of Block Panchayath Secretaries were also issued.
Click here to download Promotion OrderClick here to download Transfer Order
VEO Grade I&II - Ratio Should be Maintained at District Level
CRD issued strict instructions to maintain Village Extension Officers' grade proportion at district level, as per directions from Kerala Administrative Tribunal. Earlier the 1:1 ratio among Grade I and II officers were maintained at State Level. All Grade I VEO vacancies should be reported to CRD for appointment.
Monday, June 4, 2018
Extension Officers General Transfer Orders Issued
CRD issued General transfer orders of Extension Officers in Rural development Department.
Click here to view Order
Click here to view Order
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Rural Development- Promotion and Posting Of Officers
LSGD issued orders for promotion posting to the cadre of Additional Development Commissioner, Joint Development Commissioner, Deputy Development Commissioner and Assistant Development Commissioner in Department Of Rural Development.
SC/ST Department Houses - Directions to follow LIFE Guidelines
SC/ST Development Department issued directions to follow LIFE Mission guidelines for the construction of houses by the department. Unit cost enhancement to 3 lakh for incomplete houses were also effective to all incomplete houses of SC/ST Department houses.
2018-19 Annual Plan-Revision
LSGD permitted local bodies to revise the annual plan approved for the financial year 2018-19. New projects can be formulated for monsoon clean drive and entrepreneurship programmes. Revision projects should be submitted to DPC only after getting approval from the vetting officer. Revision process should be completed and submitted to DPC before June 16th.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Environment Day- Instructions to LSGIs
LSGD Issued circular for celebrating World Environment day in LSGIs. Direction were also issued for tree plantation in convergence with Mahathmagandhi NREGS.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Spill Over Projects -Instructions Issued
LSGD issued detailed guidelines for continuing spill over projects. All agreemented projects can be implemented as spill over. LIFE incomplete house completion projects can also included as spill over projects.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
LIFE Spill Over-Permission Granted
LSGD permitted local bodies to continue Incomplete housing programme of LIFE Mission as Spill Over. It is also clarified that no prior DPC approval is needed for implementing such spill over projects.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
PMAY(G) New Beneficiary Selection Process Started

Thursday, April 12, 2018
LIFE Mission-Convergence With Kudumbashree-Directions issued
LIFE Mission issued detailed circular regarding livelihood inclusion of LIFE Housing beneficiaries. Entrepreneurship training should be given through Kudumbashree.
Click here to download circularLSGD Integration - Draft Special Rules Published
Local Govt Commission issued draft special rules regarding integration of Panchayath, Rural Development, Urban Development, Engineering Wing, Town and Country Planning in to Unified Local Self Govt Department.Comments can be filed by employees.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
LIFE Mission Answers Frequently Asked questions
For the smooth implementation of housing for beneficiaries having land, LIFE Mission issued Circular clarifying the doubts raised by stakeholders.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
LIFE Incomplete Houses-Completion Time Extension
LSGD extended the time limit to complete Incomplete Houses Included in LIFE Ist phase to May 30th 2018.Detailed directions were issued to secretaries of all local bodies by LIFE Mission. After May 30th no bills in this regard will be honoured by treasuries.
Click here to download DirectionsClick here to view GO
Friday, April 6, 2018
Re Constitution Of Local Bodies- Committee Constituted
Govt Of Kerala constituted committe to submit proposals for the reconstitution of Block Panchayaths and formation of new Gramapanchayaths and Municipalities. The committee was headed by Principal Director Of Local Self Govt Department.
Click here to view GOLIFE Individual House-Implementation Calendar Fixed
LIFE mission fixed the programme calendar for the implementation of Individual Housing assistance scheme for those who have own land. As per the direction beneficiary meeting should be convened by the concerned local bodies before April 15th.Agreement should be executed before April 26th and 1st installment should be disbursed before May 1st.
Monday, January 29, 2018
2018-19 Annual Plan Guidelines Issued
LSGD issued detailed guidelines for the formation of 2018-19 Annual plan of LSGIs. As per the guidelines,annual plan should be sublitted to DPC within March 12th.
Friday, January 5, 2018
VEO Promotion Orders Issued
CRD Issued Orders promoting 4 senior most Village Extension Officers to the cadre of Extension Officers. Transfer and posting of Extension Officers were also issued.
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