LSGD decided to rename State Institute Of Rural Development (SIRD) as Kerala Institute Of Local Administration (KILA) Centre For Human Resource Development. The post of Director was renamed as Regional Director.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
IAY Spill Over Completion in Campaign Mode
CRD issued detailed circular for the completion of Spill Over Houses within March 31st. Spill Over beneficiaries should be categorized in to 5 groups and separate strategy may be used for each group. Services of elected members, Youth Clubs, NGOs etc can be used effectively for the successful completion of the campaign.
Click here to view circularTuesday, December 20, 2016
Gramapanchayath Secretary Promotion Orders Issued
LSGD issued orders promoting Assistant Secretaries/Junior Superintendents to the Cadre of Secretary Gramapanchayath/Senior Superintendent/Performance Audit Supervisor.
Click here to view GO
Click here to view GO
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Transfer Norms - Draft Guidelines Issued
Govt issued draft guidelines for managing general transfer of State Govt Employees. Draft will be discussed with Employees Organisations on 6th December by Chief Secretary.
SIRD Integration With KILA- Orders Issued
Govt decided to merge State Institute of Rural Development(SIRD), with Kerala Institute Of Local Administration (KILA).The process should be completed within three months.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Prime Minister's Awaas Yojana (Gramin) Launched

Click here to view frame work for implementation
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
'JALASUBIKSHA' Well Recharge Programme- Guidelines Issued
Govt Issued detailed guidelines for Total Well Recharge programme in MahathmaGandhi NREGS. 142 panchayths were selected for 1st phase.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
LIFE Housing Mission-Proposals approved
Kerala Govt decided to implement LIFE the Total Housing Scheme by Co Ordinating all housing schemes implemented through various departments. Housing schemes implemented by SC/ST department, Minority Welfare Department, Fisheries department all other Central housing schemes will brought under one umbrella.
Click here to view GOSocial Security Pension-Modified Directions Issued
Finance Department issued modified directions for the disbursement of Social Security Pensions through LSGIs. All pensioners and new applicants should submit a self attested statement to the Secretary concerned, that they are not getting any other pension.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
BPL Certificate- Gramapanchayath Secretary Designated
LSGD issued GO to designate Gramapanchayth Secretaries too to issue BPL Certificates for those families who were not included in the present BPL list.The eligibility criteria should be enquired by Village Extension Officers and as per the report, Gramapanchayath Secretary can issue Certificate.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Landless House less Survey in Kerala will be done by Kusumbasree
LSGD issued orders designating Kudumbasree to conduct survey of Landless House less families in Kerala. Rs 20 per house will be paid as honorarium to the enumerators. Pilot survey will be conducted in Amboori, Poovar and Karakulam Gramapanchayaths in Thiruvananthapuram District.
Monday, October 24, 2016
IAY SC Department Share Should met from LSGI Funds
LSGD Issued directions to the LSGIs to allocate SC fund in the ratio 25:40:35 for providing the SC Department share announced for SC ST IAY Beneficiaries. Govt increased the unit cost as 3 lakh last year promising the increased amount will be provided by SC ST Development Department.
IAY SC Department Share Should met from LSGI Funds
LSGD Issued directions to the LSGIs to allocate SC fund in the ratio 25:40:35 for providing the SC Department share announced for SC ST IAY Beneficiaries. Govt increased the unit cost as 3 lakh last year promising the increased amount will be provided by SC ST Development Department.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Nava Kerala Mission-Participatory Programmes Declared
Kerala Govt declared 4 participatory programmes, implemented in mission mode, for overall development of kerala within the coming 5 years. The programmes include Total Housing Programme, People friendly Govt Hospitals, Comprehensive Education Modernization Programme and Harithakeralam programme. Local Self Govt Institution level Missions will be constituted to implement the programmes.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
VEO Promotion Orders Issued
CRD issued orders promoting 31 senior most Village Extension Officers to the cadre of Extension Officers. Seniority No up to 2056 were included in the list.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Decentralization State Resource Group Re Constituted
LSGD formed new State Resource Group to guide and supervise Planning and Monitoring of Annual Plan Of LSGIs. Planning Board Member Mr:Sivaraman will be the chairman and Thiruvananthapuram DPO Mr: VS Biju Convenor.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Gandhijayanthi Celebrations- Directions Issued
LSGD issued detailed guidelines for celebrating Gandhijayanthi and Rural Development week. Strengthening of Sanitation programmes and development programmes may be done during the week.
VEO's Training converted to In Service Training
LSGD issued orders converting Pre Service Training Of Village Extension Officers into In Service.The duration of training period limited to 3 months. Later it was 6 months. The Syllabus was also modified.
Click here to view GOClick here to view Syllabus
ODF Difficult Area- IHHL Additional Subsidy- Guidelines Issued
LSGD issued detailed guidelines regarding allocation of additional amount for construction of House Hold Latrines in ODF Programme. If joint venture projects were formed with Block Panchayath/ District panchayath, the concerned Secretaries should draw the amount and distribute it to beneficiaries. The technical team formed by District Collector will visit the houses in difficult area and decide the quantum of additional amount to be provided.
Click here to view GOFriday, September 2, 2016
Onam Advance, Bonus, Festival Allowance-Orders Issued
Finance Department issued Orders sanctioning Onam Advance to State Govt Employees.15000 Rs can be drawn as Onam Advance and should be repaid in 5 equal installments. Onam Bonus was also declared @ Rs 3500. The limit for getting Bonus was increased to Rs 22000. Employees who were not eligible for Onam Bonus will get Rs 2400 as Festival allowance.
Friday, August 26, 2016
ADC Promotion Orders Issued
LSGD issued promotion orders in the cadre of Assistant Development Commissioners of Rural Development Department. Transfer and posting of officers were also issued.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
IAY Spill Over Houses Should be Completed before 31st March
Enabling a smooth transmission to the new Rural Housing Scheme Pradhanmanthri Awaas Yojana (Gramin), Govt Of India requested all State Govts and UTs to ensure the completion of houses sanctioned under IAY, by the end of the current financial year.
Click here to view directionWednesday, August 17, 2016
Plinth Area Extensioin allowed to all Housing Schemes
LSGD issued orders permitting 25% plinth area extension to all Housing Schemes Implemented by Local Self Govts. Later the order was effective only to IAY Housing scheme, implemented through Block Panchayaths. Beneficiaries agreemented up to 31/03/2016 will get the benefit.
Click here to view GOTuesday, August 16, 2016
Home Delivery Of Social Security Pensions through Co Operative Folder- Guidelines Issued
Finance Department issued detailed guidelines for the Home Delivery of Social Security Pensions to the beneficiaries through the District Co-operative Banks (DCB) / PrimaryAgricultural Credit Societies (PACS). Social Security pension/Welfare pensions payments shall be streamlined in future after preparing a comprehensive data base by Information Kerala Mission (IKM).Thereafter only a pensioner will be eligible to receive only one pension at a monthly rate of Rs.1000/.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Annual Income for Welfare Programmes Of LSGIs Increased
Decentralization Co Ordination Committee decided to enhance the Annual Income Limit fixed for receiving welfare assistance from Local Self Govt Institutions. The existing limit of Rs 50000 per year was increased to 1 Lakh for General Category and 1.5 Lakh to SC Category per year. For Housing Schemes the existing 50000 Rs per annum will continue.
Click here to view decisions
Click here to view decisions
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Social Security Pension-Clarification Issued
Finance Department issued circular clarifying the enhanced rate of Social Security Pensions.SocialSecurityPensions will be Rs.1000/-per
month. If the rate of any of.the Social Security pensions was more than Rs.l000/- per rnonth before the issue of the enhancement order will continue to be paid at the same rate.
VEO"s service in Municipalities Extended up to March 2017
As per the decision taken in Co Ordination Committee meeting, CRD decided to extend the service of Village Extension Officers in newly created municipalities.
Click here to download Order
Click here to download Order
Friday, July 29, 2016
VEO Promotion to Extension Officers-Orders Issued
CRD issued orders promoting 23 GrI Village Extension Officers to the cadre of Extension Officers. Transfer and postings of Extension Officers were also issued.
Click here to view GO
Click here to view GO
Friday, July 15, 2016
Social SecurityPension- Restirction Imposed
Kerala Govt issued orders restricting receipt of more Social Security Pensions. Rate of all Social Security Pensions enhanced to Rs 1000 per month. Pensioner will be entitled only for one Social Security Pension at a time except in case of Disability Pensioners. The order have effect from June1st.
Click here to view GO
Click here to view GO
Thursday, July 14, 2016
VEO Grade Promotion- Order Cancelled
CRD cancelled grade promotion order of Grade II Village Extension Officers.191 officers were promoted on July 4th.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
IAY House Plinth Area Extension- Permission Granted
LSGD gave permission to disburse full subsidy to beneficiaries completed houses with large plinth area. IAY beneficiaries who made agreement before 31/03/2016 and constructed house with a maximum plinth area of 82.5 sq feet will get the benefit.
Click here to view GOWednesday, July 6, 2016
House Hold Latrine Agreement- Stamp Paper Exempted
LSGD issued order exempting agreements executed for construction of Individual Household Latrine Construction as apart of ODF Campaign. 50% of the subsidy amount can be disbursed as advance to the beneficiary. Maintenance Grant (NR) can be utilized for repair of septic tanks of IHHLs.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Rural Development- Transfer and posting of District Level Officers- Orders Issued
LSGD issued orders for transfer and posting of officers in Rural Development department.
click here to view GOMonday, July 4, 2016
Village Extension Officer-Grade Promotion Orders Issued
CRD issued grade promotion order of grade I Village Extension Officers.191 VEOs were promoted to Grade I.
Click here to view GO
Click here to view GO
Friday, July 1, 2016
Plan/Subsidy Guidelines revised
Revised plan formation guidelines amended by LSGD inserting mandatory provision of 20% funds for productive sector. LSGIs can follow the plan formation procedure allowed for the previous financial year. SC/ST Department should select beneficiaries for their own schemes from gramasabhas.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
MGNREGA Wage Material ratio should be maintained at district Level- Act amended
Govt of India amended para 20 of Schedule I of Mahathmagandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act to maintain wage material ratio 60:40at district level.Earlier 405% of material cost should be maintained at Gramapanchayath level.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
IHHL Projects Should be Approved Soon
LSGD decided to declare Kerala State as Open Deification Free State on 1st November 2016. For achieving this goal all gramapanchayaths should formulate Individual House Hold Latrine projects for those who selected as Latrine less families in the last Base Line Survey. SBM allocation should be Rs 12000 and GP Share Rs 3400.Special DPCs should be convened for approving the projects.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Sri KT Jaleel- New Minister For Local Self Govt.
Elected to Assembly from Thavanoor Costituency. First victory against P K Kunhalikutty in 2006 by contesting as LDF independent candidate from Kuttippuram. .He was history professor at P.S.M.O. College, Thirurangady. Spouse: M.P. Fathima Kutty (Valanchery Govt HSS Principal). Children: Asma Beevi (student ...
Elected to Assembly from Thavanoor Costituency. First victory against P K Kunhalikutty in 2006 by contesting as LDF independent candidate from Kuttippuram. .He was history professor at P.S.M.O. College, Thirurangady. Spouse: M.P. Fathima Kutty (Valanchery Govt HSS Principal). Children: Asma Beevi (student ...
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Latrine Subsidy Disbursement in 3 Instalments
Monday, April 4, 2016
Joint BDO/EO/VEO - Revised Draft Job Chart Published.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Rushing Of Bills During Financial Year Closing- Revised directions issued
Finance department revised their earlier circular regarding submission of bills during the closing of financial year. As per the new direction bills can be presented to treasuries up to 5 PM on 31st March.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (Gramin)-New Rural Housing Scheme Approved
The Union Cabinet, has given its approval for the implementation of the rural housing scheme of Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin. Under the scheme, financial assistance is provided for construction of pucca house to all houseless and households living in dilapidated houses.Enhancing the unit assistance to Rs. 1,20,000 in plain areas and to Rs. 1,30,000 in hilly states/difficult areas /IAP districts.The beneficiary would be facilitated to avail loan of up to Rs.70,000/- for construction of the house which is optional.Identification of beneficiaries eligible for assistance and their prioritisation to be done using information from Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) ensuring total transparency and objectivity.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Rushing Of Bills During Financial Year Closing- Directions issued
All heads of departments and Drawing and disbursement Officers have instructed to present bills and cheques to concerned Treasuries before 27th March 2019 before 2'PM. In order to avoid presentation of large number of bills, cheques and challans to Treasuries during the end of closing of Financial Year, Govt have created certain restrictions.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
MahathmaGandgi NREGS Staff- Contract Period Extended
Govt decided to extend the duration of contract staff ,appointed for MahathmaGandhi NREGS, in LSGIs to 2 years. Later the contract period was one year.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Village Extension Officer - General Transfer Orders Issued
CRD issued inter district transfer orders of Grade I Village Extension Officers. 35 Officers were included in the list.
Click here to view GOWednesday, March 2, 2016
Promotion Of VEOs & EOs Orders Issued
CRD issued Orders promoting Extension Officers and Village Extension Officers to the cadre of Joint Block Development Officers and Extension Officers respectively. 31 EOs and 32 VEOs were included in the promotion list.
Click here to view EO promotion to Joint BDOClick here to view VEO to EO
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Social Welfare Pensions- Clarification Issued
Govt issued clarification regarding the eligibility of Social Security Pensions. As per the new direction, though the applicant receives EPF Pension, Pensions from Welfare boards, Anganwadi pension, etc ,they were eligible for one Social Security Pension.
Click here to view GOSanitary Latrine Subsidy Only to Gramasabha approved Beneficieries
LSGD approved the Co Ordination committee decision and issued orders to limit the subsidy given by LSGIs, only to beneficiaries approved by Gramasabha.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
IAY House in wetland- Permission Issued
For the speedy implemetation of Rural Housing Scheme,Malappuram District Collector issued direction to allow building permits to all IAY housing beneficiaries, though their lands come under wet land category.
Monday, February 8, 2016
IAY Documentation -Stamp duty exempted
Govt decided to exempt from the payment of stamp duty required for the registration of instruments of agreements to be executed between LSGIs and beneficiaries of IAY. Govt also fixed a maximum limit of Rs 500 as registration fee.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Mahathma Gandhi NREGS-Social Audit moves to new look
By setting up Mahathma Gandhi NREGA Social Audit Society Kerala, State Govt decides to restructure the social audit of Mahathma Gandhi NREGS. Village Level Social Audit Facilitators should be recruited and they will be paid @ skilled labour engaged in Mahathma Gandhi NREGS. Applications were invited by the Mahathma Gandhi NREGS State Mission for recruitment of staff to Social Audit Society.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Panchayath Converted to Municipality- VEOs Should Implement Projects
CRD issued direction to implement projects formulated by Village Extension Officers in Gramapanchayaths,which were converted to Municipalities recently. Village Extension Officers were permitted to continue in converted panchayaths and they have to implement housing projects.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Finance department issued orders, revising the pay and allowances of State Govt Employees and Teachers. The revised salary will come in to force from 01/07/2014.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Annual Plan Formation Guidelines Revised
LSGD issued revised guidelines for the formation of 2016-17 annual plan of Local Self Govts. Plans should be get approved by DPC within 15th March 2016. Decisions of Gramasabha should be entered in sakarma software and published in website.
click here to view guidelinesThursday, January 7, 2016
Annual Plan Revision-Time limit Extended
Decentralization Co Ordination Committee decided to extend the time limit fixed for revising the 2015-16 annual plan of LSGIs up to 31st january. Co Ordination committee allowed LSGIs to utilize plan fund instead of Swach Bharath Mission Central share for the construction of Individual Household Latrines.
VEO Training Period- Clarification Issued
Govt Of Kerala issued clarification regarding counting Pre Service Training period of Village Extension Officers for service benefits. As per the directions Pre Service Training Period of Village Extensions Officers appointed after 21/01/1971 will not be counted for pension and other service benefits.
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