Finance department cancelled the controversial circular issued by Local self Govt department permitting Village Extension Officers to open bank accounts for implementing each projects. The circular was against the directions issued by Finance Deparment to all Drawing and Disbursement officers.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Drawal of funds of LSGIs - Revised Orders Issued
Finance department issued revised guidelines for the drawal of funds of Local Self Govt Institutions w.e.f April 1st 2015. The existing system of transferring funds from the consolidated fund to the public account is dispensed.Allotment will be issued in 3 installments through Govt order and this GO will be treated as allotment letter. General Purpose Grant should be kept in a special TSB account opened for that purpose in the concerned treasuries.
Monday, March 23, 2015
8 More VEOs Promoted
CRD issued orders promoting 8 Village Extension Officers to the cadre of Extension Officers. Seniority No 1800 were included in the list.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Computer/Laptop to SC/ST Students Permission issued
LSGD allowed Gramapanchayaths and Municipalities to form projects for the distribution of Laptops/ Computers to Sc/St Students.
11 Extension Officers Promoted to Joint BDOs
CRD issued orders promoting 11 Extension Officers to the cadre of Joint Block Development Officers. Transfer and posting orders for 6 Joint BDOs were also issued.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Financial Year Closing -Directions Issued
Finance department issued detailed directions to manage the rush in Treasuries during the closing days of financial year. All bills and instruments should be submitted to concerned treasuries before 2 PM on 26/03/2015.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Spill Over Projects Implementation Date Extended to March 31st
Decentralization Co Ordination Committee decided to extend the last date for implementing spill over projects to 31st March 2015. Committee also allowed LSGIs to revise approved projects within 25th March 2015.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
IAY State Share Mobilizing from LSGIs - Guidelines isssued
Rural Development Commissioner issued instructions for mobilizing State Govt Share of IAY enhanced subsidy from Local Self Govt Institutions. The unspent amount of Development fund of the current financial year can be used for the purpose. State share due from the year 2012-13 can be met from the current year funds.
Monday, March 9, 2015
RSBY Health Insurance Transfers to Ministry Of Health

Friday, March 6, 2015
14 VEOs promoted as Extension Officers
14 more Senior Village Extension Officers were promoted to the cadre of Extension Officers. Seniority number 1790 were included in the list.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
MGNREGS Delay in payment compensation- Instructions issued
LSGD issued instructions for the payment of compensation eligible for MahathmaGandhi NREGS employees due to the delay in payment of wages. BPOs can depute Panchayth level Engineer/Overseer to bring the muster rolls from the field.The compensation shall be met from State Employees Guarantee Fund, which shall be recovered from the functionaries.
IAY housing 5 Year Probability List- Guidelines Issued
LSGD issued detailed guidelines regarding the preparation of 5 year probability list for the implementation of Indira Awaas Yojana Housing Scheme. No ward level consideration for the list, but panchayath level seniority list should be made.
Monday, March 2, 2015
IAY Administration Fund- Guidelines Issued
LSGD issued guidelines describing the activities that can be taken by using the administrative fund available under Indira Awaas Yojana Housing Scheme. 1% of the admin fund should be used for Social Audit purposes.
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